10 packing essentials for every traveller

One shirt too many, short of one pair of socks, and the toothbrush is nowhere to be found! Have you experienced the same packing disaster on a business trip or a long-awaited holiday? It’s not that easy to remember all the essentials, so here is a list to save you from agitation the next time you have to pack a bag. Have a nice flight!

Passport, passport, passport

We know you’re tired of this tune, but you’d be surprised to find out how many passengers miss their flight because they’ve left the most important thing – their passport – behind. Better safe than sorry – check once again if it’s in the bag. Otherwise, you’ll have to run like crazy to get it, and your trip will begin on a very stressful note.

Woollen socks

Rain is wet even in the hottest destinations, so you might get soaked and spend the whole evening shivering under the duvet. Or, the conditioner might be working overtime to give you fridge-worthy sleeping conditions. Your cold feet will get warm in no time if you put on woollen socks, lovingly gifted by your grandma.

Microfiber towel

A microfiber towel takes up considerably less space than a regular towel, plus it can absorb more water and dries quicker. Take it with you to the hostel, the beach or even the park – use it as a blanket to sit on while you’re having lunch there. After a single use you’ll be convinced that this has been the best purchase you’ve made in a long time.


A sunhat for Malaga, a bomber for Stavanger! Hide your nose from sunburn in the South, and your ears from frost in the North. Stop that frown right now; a hat is a practical accessory that will take up very little space in your bag.

Band aids

You didn’t come here to sleep all day, did you? There’ll be lots of walking around the city, nature trails or museums, so pack broken-in shoes, and don’t forget about band aids. First aid for a popped blister is not panicking, but treating it with a disinfectant, putting a band aid over it and marching on!


To be ready for adventures, you need good sleep first. Ear plugs on board will make you oblivious to the snoring passenger next to you or the sound of pencil scratching against paper as somebody’s doing crossword puzzles. Nothing can take your siesta away from you now; not the rooster’s morning song, much less a roaring train.

Lip balm

The sun, the sea and the wind, praised in many songs, can quickly turn your smile to pain. A warm ocean breeze or a cold westerly can cause chapped lips quite easily, so don’t lick them even if they feel extremely dry. Take our word – a lip balm with SPF is a must!


You may run out of steam just as you’ve climbed a hill with the most beautiful view without a shop or a cafe in sight. To calm your rumbling tummy, some dark chocolate, a cereal bar or a banana will do. But some candy from home will be a nice thank-you gift for someone who helped you to make sense of the menu or showed you the right way.

Wet wipes

Soap and water may not always be at hand, but picking up souvenirs for inspection, petting a cat that’s lounging under the tree or trying the local dishes are unavoidable. Don’t stand back in fear of getting your hands dirty; you’re on holiday after all!


There’s nothing more annoying than queuing in the car rental office or a museum, but if you happen to stand in line, use the time wisely and read Harry Potter for the hundredth time, or breeze through the latest thriller. Your flight will seem twice as short with a book in hand, and a couple of chapters before bedtime will lull you to sleep better than a lullaby.

Fly today!

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